The work-up of individuals having febrile, nonhemolytic transfusion reactions.
The detection of individuals with autoimmune neutropenia.
Not useful for diagnosis of neutropenia caused by marrow suppression by drugs or tumors
Granulocyte antibodies are induced by pregnancy or prior transfusion and are associated with febrile, nonhemolytic transfusion reactions. Patients who have been immunized by previous transfusions, pregnancies, or allografts frequently experience febrile, nonhemolytic transfusion reactions which must be distinguished from hemolysis before further transfusions can be safely administered. Granulocyte antibodies may also be present in autoimmune neutropenia.
A positive result in an individual being worked up for a febrile transfusion reaction indicates the need for leukocyte-poor (filtered) red blood cells.
This test cannot distinguish between allo- and autoantibodies