Fresh semen specimen is required.
Recommended 3-5 days of abstinence.
Only accept specimen collections M-F.
1. Marshfield Campus: Call 24 Hour Services-Andrology section (ext. 16377) to schedule a collection.
2. All other facilities: Call Clinical Microscopic-Andrology section (1-800-222-5835 ext. 16377 or 715-221-6377)
to obtain a collection kit and schedule the collection.
a. Collect specimens Monday-Friday: Sample must be received in Marshfield Lab before 1500 on Friday.
b. Specimen must arrive at the Marshfield Laboratory within 18 hours of collection.
c. Add transport buffer 30-60 minutes after specimen collection.
d. Notify 24 Hour Services-Andrology testing personnel when the specimen is collected and going to be sent
with the courier.