PREFERRED: Prepare 2 - 6 smears as follows: Label each of the one-end frosted slides with patient last name and medical record number. If multiple sites are sampled, indicate site on frosted end of slide and requisition form or electronic order (i.e. Specimen 1, 2 or A, B, etc.). Place a small amount of specimen on the clear portion of one of the slides. Place another slide (clear portion) on top of the specimen. Gently pull the two slides apart. Fix both slides IMMEDIATELY in 95% ethyl alcohol (spray fixative is an alternate fixative but not preferred). Wash needle in Hanks Balanced Salt Solution and send needle rinse along with a properly completed Cytology test requisition or electronic order.
ALTERNATE: There are two means of submitting a fluid
specimen: a) place fluid in sage container with 30 mL of Cytolyt
and sent with slides or b) in a capped syringe and sent immediately to the lab.
(DO NOT send with needle). Lab personnel must fix specimen within 2 hrs. of collection by adding 30 mL of Cytolyt.
PATHOLOGIST ON-SITE IMMEDIATE ASSESSMENT: For each pass, the assessing pathologist should record the following on the assessment sheet: pass number, adequacy statement and any comments along with the pathologist signature and assessment date. Each specimen/site assessment should be recorded on a separate assessment sheet.